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Phase 1: Evacuation

All members of DigiPen’s community (faculty, staff, and students) are responsible for being aware of fire evacuation routes and of the locations of fire extinguishers and fire alarms in their work or study areas.

Evacuation Maps

1. Instructors’ Procedure

In the event of a fire alarm, all faculty, staff, and students must evacuate their work or study areas and, as far as possible, shut down any operations that might become a hazard if unattended. Instructors or personnel who have groups of people under their direction are responsible for ensuring the orderly evacuation of these people in the event of a fire or fire alarm. Please instruct all students to leave the building through the nearest exit(s). Make sure you are the last to leave the room and remember to close the door(s). After clearing the specified areas, all staff members must report to the nearest area of refuge located outside the facility.

  • Select one or two students to lead the class safely out of the building.

  • Assign two individuals for each student with disabilities to assist in their safe evacuation from the building.

  • Be sure that everyone in your area is notified to vacate the building.

  • Instructors must verify that there is no one missing from their group. If someone is unaccounted for, the authorities on the scene should be advised immediately.

  • Make sure that all persons remain in their safe zone away from the building.

  • Emergency vehicle access to all buildings must be kept clear of obstructions at all times.

2. Administration and Staff Procedures

In the event of a fire alarm, shut down any operations that might become a hazard if left unattended. Please instruct all students to leave the building through the nearest exit(s). Make sure you are the last to leave the room and remember to close the door(s). After clearing the specified areas all staff members must report to the nearest area of refuge located outside the facility. Remember to keep the road clear for the fire department.

3. Individuals with Disabilities

  • Students, staff, and visitors who are blind should be assisted through hallways and down stairways along designated evacuation routes.

  • Wheelchair-bound persons should follow designated evacuation routes on the ground floor and exit the building. If not on the ground floor, wheel to the nearest fire escape or stairway door. Rescue personnel will search these areas first and help individuals with disabilities evacuate the building.

Phase 2: Re-entering the Facility

Once the building has been evacuated, no person will be permitted to re-enter the facility until approval is given by authorized personnel.