Welcome to Cretaceous Cliffs, a town where dinosaurs and humans live side-by-side in harmony. In this 3D, exploration-based puzzle adventure game, play as a boy and his dinosaur delivering mail to the citizens of this quaint dinotopia.
Awards and Recognition
The Team
Sophia Abouzeid
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Lead Technical Animator
Olivia Barrell
BS in Computer Science
Role: Engineer
Anthony Benson
BA in Game Design
Role: Level Designer
Arin Domning
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engineer
Chikara Honda
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Animation Cleanup Artist
Nicholas Johnston
BA in Game Design
Role: Designer
Pakhamon Kanchanawenich
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment Artist
Jasmine Keith
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character Modeler
Ashley Kim
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: UI Artist
Kidon Kim
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engineer
Ariel Kim
BA in Music and Sound Design
Role: Volunteer Sound Designer
Timothy Koh
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engineer
Jasmine Ling
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Animator
Sarah Lintakoon
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Artist
Jeremy McCarty
BS in Computer Science and Game Design
Role: Producer, Design Lead
Angela Melito
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Technical Animator
Nathan Messana
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Rigger
Alison Mueller
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Concept Artist
Arocha Nitichakorn
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment Artist
Thomas Parrish
BA in Music and Sound Design
Role: Volunteer Sound Designer
Marko Pavicevic
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Concept Artist
Brooke Robertson
BA in Music and Sound Design
Role: Volunteer Voice Over Supervisor
Sierra Schedin
BA in Game Design
Role: Narrative Designer
Taylor Shook
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Game Dirctor, Art Lead
Kinsey Spude
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Animator, Rigger
Derek Sutton
BA in Game Design
Role: Level Designer
Gwen Thompson
BS in Computer Science and Game Design
Role: UI/UX Designer
Viet Tran
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: VFX Artist
Tami Tritz
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Rigger
Christopher Underwood
BA in Music and Sound Design
Role: Volunteer Sound Designer
Peraya Vutidechkamjorn
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment Artist
Olivia Walden
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Volunteer Storyboard Artist
Dustin Williams
BA in Music and Sound Design
Role: Audio Lead